After taking a near two year break, having two children and moving 300 miles south, I’m now restarting one of my passions; spacesfm will continue the pursuit of beautiful electronic music with Classical overtones and crossed-genres. You will find many old posts on this website, great timeless mixes and tracks, new updates will be coming soon, so subscribe to receive notification.
Thank you to all those who have supported this site and ethos during the hiatus by sending their messages and music.
We will no longer be streaming music 24/7 but you will have access to all the quality mixes and downloads from some amazing artists. will be the chosen home for streams and where downloads are made available will be used for as long as their site remains mix friendly.
If you would like to get involved with spacesfm please contact me, I’m always looking out for writers and new music, I’d love to hear from you.
spacesfm Featured on Streamfinder

spacesfm has been nominated by the Streamfinder community to be one of the featured stations over the month of July. is an internet radio station directory that lists over 13,000 radio stations from around the world and we’re proud to be one of the top ten.
Check us out
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