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sPaces9 – Stripped Electronica Progression

Sunset and sunrise on a clear day always dominate the sky. We get carried away in staring, caught up in the beauty of the scene. We forget ourselves for a moment and feel a new breath in the space the scene creates. Electronica has always been aware of the two times, one that moves into the dark of the night, and the other that takes us into the bright new hope of the day. This is a podcast for the transition.

Picture taken by Chris Mac Manchester.

Click to download at iTunes store.

1: Lo Step- 6am Sedna / Faithless: God is a DJ accapella
2: Mammoth Studios- Interlude- original mix/ Becky Higg- Something Beautiful
3: Transform- Trans Out- Chill mix
4: Snow Patrol- warmer climate (Chris Mac intro edit)
5 Elite Force- Sky2Small-original Mix
6 Quivver- These are the days- sunset remix
7: Chymera- Umbrella- beatless mix
8: Miika Kuisma- Trying my new wings- original mix
9:Miika Kuisma- Trying my new wings (chris Mac end beats edit)/ Sasha- Coma (spangled rubdub chris mac breakdown loop)
10: Sasha- Coma (Slam soma coma remix)

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